LLC «TM.WELTEK»: 25 years in the world of flux-cored wires
In 1993 the staff of the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute organized an enterprise, the objective of
which was restoration of flux-cored wire production in Ukraine. The new enterprise rented an unused
shop on flux-cored wire production at OJSC «Dneprometiz» (City of Dniepr), which was put into
operation already in 1964.
Owing to the efforts of engineering-technical personnel and workers of the shop, production was
restored and manufacturing of a large range of new modern grades of flux-cored wires was mastered.
Here, the physical and moral wear of the equipment was a bottleneck, leading to high cost of labour
and material resources, increasing the consumption of materials and cost of flux-cored wire manufacture,
and did not ensure the required labour efficiency. The main shop equipment (4/250 drawing
mills) was designed for producing flux-cored wires of 2.5–3.6 mm diameter, that did not meet the
modern industry needs.
For this reason, the enterprise implemented a set of measures for repair and upgrading of old equipment
and purchase of new equipment, in particular, lines for flux-cored wire production, including
double mill 2/500 for producing large diameter wires (4.0–6.0 mm), two six high mill 6/250 and eight
high mill 8/250. All these mills are fitted with improved forming devices and storages. Production
of flux-cored strips was restored. Furnaces for drying raw materials and flux-cored wire baking and,
packing complex were purchased, and charge preparation compartment was upgraded.
Availability of such equipment allowed optimizing the technology of producing flux-cored wires of
1.0 up to 6.0 mm diameters, developing and producing a number (more than 90 grades) of modern,
often unique domestic welding and surfacing flux-cored wires, including those for spraying.
Modern forms of product delivery to DSTU ISO 544 have been mastered by now: cardboard drums
with packed wire weight of 150–300 kg; frame drums R 415 an R 435; plastic spools S200 and S300
and a number of specific variants of packing, made by customer request.
As to their purpose and technical characteristics, the flux-cored wires of WELTEC grade are not inferior
to products of leading foreign companies that is confirmed by their acceptance by many enterprises
in Ukraine and abroad. For instance, flux-cored welding wire designed for welding low-carbon
and low-alloyed structural steels has passed testing in keeping with European Directive No.305/2011
(System 2+) in the field of building components and received CE marking. Testing was performed by
TUF Division Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH (Germany).
Controlling bodies of Ukraine on ecology, fire safety, labour safety, etc. issued permission documents
for conducting the production activity of the enterprise.
Flux-cored wires of WELTEC trade mark are used in the most diverse sectors of industry: in railway
enterprises, works of mining-metallurgical complex, plants producing metal structures, machinebuilding plants, in shipbuilding, etc.